
  1. Watanabe, H., Maruyama, T. (2024) A sample selection model with multinomial endogenous switching: Quantifying the residential self-selection influence on binary and continuous outcomes of household vehicle miles traveled.
  2. Watanabe, H., Singh, A.C. (2024) A joint mixed-outcome and instrumental variable model for addressing endogeneity in multinomial choice and its consideration set formation.


  1. Watanabe, H., Maruyama, T. (2024) A Bayesian sample selection model with a binary outcome for handling residential self-selection in individual car ownership, Journal of Choice Modelling, Vol.51, 100491.
  2. Watanabe, H., Maruyama, T. (2023) A Bayesian instrumental variable model for multinomial choice with correlated alternatives, Journal of Choice Modelling, Vol.46, 100400.
  3. 上山紘平, 近藤民代, 渡邉萌, 円山琢也, 米野史健: 2016年熊本地震における益城町被災者の民間借上げ仮設住宅を経た住宅復興過程の特徴と課題-建設型仮設住宅及び東日本大震災との比較-, 都市計画論文集, Vol.56, No.3, pp.944-951, 2021.
  4. Watanabe, H., Maruyama, T. (2021) Residential preference transitions of disaster victims: A case using three-wave panel data in Mashiki following the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake in Japan, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Vol.54, 102062.
  5. Watanabe, H., Chikaraishi, M., Maruyama, T. (2021) How different are daily fluctuations and weekly rhythms in time-use behavior across urban settings? A case in two Japanese cities, Travel Behaviour and Society, Vol.22, pp.146-154.
  6. 永迫杏菜, 渡邉萌, 佐藤嘉洋, 円山琢也: 震災後の居住地が災害公営住宅希望地に及ぼす影響: 2016年熊本地震益城町の事例, 土木学会論文集D3 (土木計画学), Vol.77, No.2, pp.97-109, 2021.
  7. 熊谷克也, 渡邉萌, 佐藤嘉洋, 円山琢也: 2016年熊本地震益城町における応急修理制度の未利用者に着目した実態分析, 土木学会論文集D3 (土木計画学), Vol.75, No.3, pp.181-190, 2019.
  8. 渡邉萌, 円山琢也: 2016年熊本地震での益城町における被災世帯の仮設住宅移行プロセスに関する分析, 都市計画論文集, Vol.53, No.3, pp.709-716, 2018.
  9. 永迫杏菜, 渡邉萌, 佐藤嘉洋, 円山琢也: 熊本地震による益城町仮設住宅入居世帯の住まいの意向変化の実態と要因-2016年と2017年の調査より-, 都市計画論文集, Vol.53, No.3, pp.717-723, 2018.
  10. 渡邉萌, 佐藤嘉洋, 円山琢也: 集団離散選択モデルと決定木を利用した益城町仮設住宅入居世帯の住まいの意向分析, 土木学会論文集D3 (土木計画学), Vol.74, No.5, pp.201-208, 2018.
  11. 渡邉萌, 佐藤嘉洋, 円山琢也: 熊本地震の復興初期における益城町仮設住宅入居者の居住地選択意向, 都市計画論文集, Vol.52, No.3, pp.1094-1100, 2017.

国際学会における発表 (査読有り)

  1. Watanabe, H., Singh, A.C. (2023) A probit instrumental variable model for addressing endogeneity in multinomial choice and its consideration set formation, The 16th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR 2023), Montreal, Canada.
  2. Watanabe, H., Maruyama, T. (2022) A Bayesian instrumental variable model for multinomial choice with correlated alternatives, International Choice Modelling Conference (ICMC 2022), Reykjavík, Iceland.
  3. Watanabe, H., Maruyama, T. (2022) Describing unobserved residential location choice and travel behavior dependency as a missing data mechanism: A Bayesian extension of sample selection model, Transportation Research Board 101st Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., United States.
  4. Watanabe, H., Chikaraishi, M., Maruyama, T. (2019) A flexible MDCEV approach to analyze holiday time-use behavior for leisure activities, International Choice Modelling Conference (ICMC 2019), Kobe, Japan.
  5. Watanabe, H., Sato, Y., Chikaraishi, M., Hato, E., Maruyama, T. (2018) Exploring the impacts of workday time use behavior on holiday time use behavior based on a MDCEV model: A comparison between urban and rural cities in Japan, hEART2018, Athens, Greece.
  6. Watanabe, H., Chikaraishi, M., Maruyama, T. (2018) Analysis of the relationship between individual time-use behaviour on workday and holiday based on a MDCEV model: Using probe person data in urban and rural cities in Japan, The 23rd International Conference of Hong Kong Society For Transportation Studies (HKSTS), Hong Kong, China.